A Silent Writing Virtual Workshop
Writing Prompt:
Write + Submit a personalized letter to your mother or maternal figure in loving light. Submission can be written in English or your native language. All submissions welcome.
Virtual Submission Instructions:
We encourage participants to write and contribute your writings remotely by writing a letter to your mother or maternal figure. Post your letters online on the project Instagram page by taking a photo and tagging it to www.instagram.com/lettertomymother . Letters can also be tagged using hashtags @lettertomymother and #lettertomymother.
Workshop Format:
A Letter To My Mother is a silent workshop offering participants brave space to sit and reflect to reminisce your mother or maternal figure in beautiful loving light.
A Letter To My Mother project offers participants an all accepting, compassionate loving space to connect with their mothers or maternal figures and pay homage to them. Letters can be written in English or your native language.
A Letter To My Mother writing workshop is about the power and inspiration of unconditional love – the familial love and bond shared between a mother and child. A Letter To My Mother project celebrates a mother’s love as one of the most powerful forces on earth, promoting appreciation, gratitude and bond for mothers and maternal figures. A Letter To My Mother project seeks to inspire altruism and love between mothers and children.
A Letter To My Mother workshop is open to all who want to write letters to their mothers or maternal figures. The workshop provides a “break space” from vigilance and promotes bonding and connection based on enlightened human communion. A Letter To My Mother promotes education, inspiration, creativity and helps builds community through the power of empathy and love.